‘Stop being such a sissy’

These torturing words rose up from my mind, and tore through my heart…

Words I had heard ever since I was little … ‘Stop being such a wuss, you cry baby…’

Made me feel I ashamed, guilty and undeserving …

Do they think I CHOOSE to feel this fear? This anxiety? This panic? This fright?

I always hated Homework

Weekends are my days to recuperate from the chaos of the week.

Weekends are to wake up without an alarm clock, unwind, relax, spend some quality time with my kids, go for a walk in the park, tinker around the house, do a few of the pending household chores, have my baby girl drop off to sleep on my chest in a siesta after lunch,

Not bloody write KRAs.


KRAs for You


I need you to set your KRAs and send them to me by Monday morning.



Saturday 05:20 am

There goes my weekend…


*KRA stands for Key Responsibility Areas – goals to be achieved for the year. These directly follow from job description of a person and represents the areas in which he or she is expected to perform.